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We offer pharmaceutical grade Supplements, Books, and 
cutting edge health and wellness Information 
that will take
YOUR HEALTH to the next level!


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Michelle and Melissa Tonkin

Check out Michelle Tonkin ND & Melissa Tonkin CNC as they discuss their healing journey and upcoming projects as guests on the Total Wellness Radio Podcast!

Michelle Tonkin ND

Interview with Daily Talk Inspirational Women's Series!  


30 Minutes to Wellness

"30 Minutes to Wellness" are pre-recorded videos

that focus on a variety of health topics.

From diet and gut health, hormone balancing, immune disorders and support, detoxification, and natural pain relief, to alternative therapies and more. 

View Past Recordings here

Episode 1: Immune Boosters



As a Man think poster pic.jpg

​As a Man Thinks… Changing Our World By Changing Our Thoughts This devotional aims to share important life altering truths that deal with: where thoughts come from, how our thoughts become our actions, roots of mental illness, generational ties, nutritional aspects, and the power of God’s word.


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