by Michelle Tonkin ND
When I first heard about bovine colostrum years ago, I was amazed about how versatile this supplement truly is. From helping the immune system to gut health, it seemed to be truly a superfood.
Now, that we have entered into an age where our immune and gut health is more of a priority than ever, it’s essential to consider adding a supplement like bovine colostrum to help protect us
So, what is colostrum?
Colostrum is also known as mother’s “first milk”. This is the first milk produced by all mammals including humans. The body makes this milk before breast milk is available for consumption and is only normally available in the body up to 2 weeks after birth. Colostrum is a wonderful source of nutrition as it is high in carbohydrates, protein and antibodies and is also low in fat. Colostrum tends to be generally thick with a yellow or even orangish color. Because Colostrum is not specific to any species it can be beneficial to any mammal including humans.
Colostrum is known as the second immune system. Colostrum is a newer recognized
supplement on the market that has proven beneficial to the immune system.
“Colostrum is the pre-milk fluid produced from the mother's mammary glands during the first 72 hours after birth. It provides life-supporting immune and growth factors that insure the health and vitality of the newborn.”
Apart from mother’s milk, the only known viable source of colostrum is from cows
(bovine). As we age, our bodies gradually produce less immune and growth factors that
help our bodies fight off disease and heal damaged body tissue. Because of the HGH
(human growth hormones) in colostrum, it has the ability to help with tissue repair and
healing, and is especially helpful in cases of compromised intestinal tracks
Research has shown that colostrum has powerful natural immune and growth factors that help bring the body to a state of homeostasis, or well-being.
Colostrum has also been shown to help support healthy immune function, enabling us to resist the harmful effects of pollutants, allergens, bacteria, and viruses. Colostrum is also found to be a top source of natural MSM, a sulfur compound which helps the body fight infection and reduce inflammation.
Colostrum contains an array of immune boosting properties which include:
Immunoglobulins, hormones, enzymes, growth factors, peptides and nucleotides.
Colostrum Benefits:
· Infection Fighter: studies have shown that colostrum appears to have the power to greatly
inhibit or potentially destroy the growth of many dangerous bacteria, viruses, fungi and
parasites including E. coli, Helicobacter pylori, Listeria, rotaviruses, Streptococcus (many
different varieties), Staphylococcus (many different strains), Salmonella, Shigella, Bacteroides, Borrelia, Clostridium, HIV and Candida albicans.
· Recovery Support: Helps support the body in recovery- especially after surgery or injury.
· Lactoferrin Source: Rich in lactoferrin – which helps to support oxygen transport into the
A great brand of colostrum is from Sovereign Laboratories known as Colostrum-LD.
This brand gets the first milking of colostrum within 72 hours of a bovine’s life (after the calf has obtained what it needs first), which can have significant benefits to humans. It is free of hormones, herbicides and antibiotics. It is also flash pasteurized for only 15 seconds, making it safe but still bioavailable to the human body. Sovereign labs colostrum also utilizes a liposomal delivery system, making it more bioavailable to the body, which is especially important for gut health.
Bovine Colostrum has the potential to benefit the body in some many ways, from helping to heal the gut lining, acting as a immune support, to even aiding in helping the body heal muscle, nerve and bone tissue. Consider including this superfood in your daily diet in smoothies, protein, shakes or even yogurt! Kids can benefit from colostrum too! Check out the colostrum we suggest for young ones- even infants!
Tonkin Lyme and Co-infections
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