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       from a dream to reality...       

Michelle Tonkin ND



Hi there! My name is Michelle Tonkin. I am a Naturopathic Doctor, Certified Nutritional Consultant, Master Herbalist, Master Iridologist and Master Reflexologist. I am a graduate of Trinity College of Natural Health and Acusage Academy. My journey to pursue these degrees started in 2001, as I desired to have answers to my own physical problems. In 1999 I began to experience many health problems such as Candidiasis, Chronic Fatigue, Epstein Barr, Fibromyalgia, Environmental Illness, Lyme Disease, Bacterial, Fungal, and Parasitical Infections.I was a total physical mess! I saw at least 30 different

physicians, experienced numerous different medications and treatments, and my condition continued to deteriorate. Although kind and well meaning, the doctors had very few answers or hope for me.  By God's grace, perseverance, prayer, and the faithfulness of my family and friends, the answers/solutions starting coming. This site is part of a fulfillment of a help others achieve and maintain abundant health! My prayer for you is the same. Blessings, Hope, Peace, Prosperity & Health be Yours ~ Michelle Tonkin ND

Melissa Tonkin is Michelle's twin sister and is also a graduate of Trinity College of Natural Health. She is a Certified Nutritional Consultant and Master Herbalist.

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