- HEALTH BENEFITS: Transformation’s GastroZyme is a soothing formula of herbs and enzymes that support the health of the mucosal tissue lining the GI tract, respiratory system, and urinary tract system.*
- NATURAL FORMULA: GastroZyme is a dairy, gluten, and soy free vegetarian-friendly product in a cellulose capsule.*
- ENZYME BLEND: The amylase, lipase, and cellulase enzymes in this formula help promote improved delivery of the herbal ingredients and further support digestion.* This product contains NO protease for improved tolerance in sensitive individuals.
- HERBAL INGREDIENTS: Marshmallow root, papaya leaf, rhodiola rosea, and gota kola are the herbs known for their ability to be very soothing to the mucosal lining.
Gastrozyme (100 Capsules)
SKU: gastrozyme