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  • Reduces nagalase in the body
  • Strengthens and supports the immune system
  • Nutritionally supports the reduction of cancer symptoms
  • Fights against serious disease

Recommended Dose: Take 2 capsules, daily or as directed.


Boosting Immunity on a Cellular Level

Potent Phytonutrient Blend

This blend of phytonutrients works together to give your body the support it needs to fight off serious disease and slow its effects.

Nagalase Reduction

Nagalase causes several health concerns, but a specific form of algae called bladderwrack lowers nagalase levels in the body and preventing them from getting to a dangerous level.

Strong Immune Support

Several factors can contribute to the weakening of our immune systems. You need something to restore your immune system and fight off disease.

Reduction of Cancer Symptoms

Nagalase levels are the highest in those who have cancer, and by lowering those levels in their bodies through nutrition, their symptoms can be reduced.

Dairy Free

Gluten Free




Whole Food


What's Inside?



A specific form of algae that helps reduce nagalase in the body, very rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, high in fiber which promotes gut health, lowers oxidative stress


Green Vegetables

High in many vitamins and minerals including many B vitamins, aids in digestion because of the fiber inside, reduces risk of high blood pressure and heart disease

Essential Control

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